Welcome to Advanced GIS, Lecture 3

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Advanced GIS

download this data: bit.ly/advgis-airbnb

rename the file airbnb.csv and upload it to your CartoDB account

marker-width: 3;
[zoom >= 10] {
marker-width: 8;
[zoom >= 16] {
marker-width: 13;
    marker-width: 3;
    [zoom >= 10] {
        marker-width: 8;
    [zoom >= 16] {
        marker-width: 13;
    marker-width: 3;
    [zoom >= 10] {
        marker-width: 8;
    [zoom >= 16] {
        marker-width: 13;

Advanced CartoCSS


more fun with CartoCSS

more fun with CartoCSS

  1. Combining conditions
  2. Variables
  3. Attributes as values
#airbnb {
    marker-width: 3;
    [zoom >= 10] {
        marker-width: 8;
#airbnb {
    marker-width: 3;
    [zoom >= 10][zoom < 16] {
        marker-width: 8;
#airbnb {
    marker-width: 3;
    [zoom >= 10][zoom < 16] {
        marker-width: 8;

markers are 3 pixels wide. if the map is between zoom level 10 and 16, the markers are 8 pixels wide.

you can do the same thing with attributes

#airbnb {
    marker-width: 3;
    [price >= 50] {
        marker-width: 8;
#airbnb {
    marker-width: 3;
    [price >= 50][price <= 100] {
        marker-width: 8;

you can do this with multiple attributes

#airbnb {
    marker-width: 3;
    [price >= 50][neighbourhood = 'Bedford-Stuyvesant'] {
        marker-width: 8;

combine conditions with , to set properties with either condition

#airbnb {
    marker-width: 3;
    [price >= 50],
    [neighbourhood = 'Bedford-Stuyvesant'] {
        marker-width: 8;

shortcut for:

#airbnb {
    marker-width: 3;
    [price >= 50] {
        marker-width: 8;
    [neighbourhood = 'Bedford-Stuyvesant'] {
        marker-width: 8;
#airbnb {
    marker-width: 3;
    [price >= 50],
    [neighbourhood = 'Bedford-Stuyvesant'] {
        marker-width: 8;

markers with price over 50 are larger

also markers in Bed-Stuy are larger


conditional statements look like

[mag >= 5.5] {

restrict statements more by putting conditions next to each other

[price >= 50][price <= 100] {

both conditions must be true

include more features by separating conditions with ,

[price >= 50],
[zoom >= 10] {

either condition could be true

#airbnb {
    marker-width: 5;
    marker-fill: #ff307a;
    marker-allow-overlap: true;
    [zoom >= 4] {
        marker-width: 10;
    [zoom >= 8] {
        marker-width: 15;
    [zoom >= 12] {
        marker-width: 20;

what if I want to change marker-width?

#airbnb {
    marker-width: 6;
    marker-fill: #ff307a;
    marker-allow-overlap: true;
    [zoom >= 4] {
        marker-width: 12;
    [zoom >= 8] {
        marker-width: 18;
    [zoom >= 12] {
        marker-width: 24;

there's a better way!


@width: 6;
#airbnb {
    marker-width: @width;
    marker-fill: #ff307a;
    marker-allow-overlap: true;
    [zoom >= 4] {
        marker-width: 12;
    [zoom >= 8] {
        marker-width: 18;
    [zoom >= 12] {
        marker-width: 24;
@width: 6;
#airbnb {
    marker-width: @width;
    marker-fill: #ff307a;
    marker-allow-overlap: true;
    [zoom >= 4] {
        marker-width: @width * 2;
    [zoom >= 8] {
        marker-width: @width * 3;
    [zoom >= 12] {
        marker-width: @width * 4;

then I can change all the widths at once

@width: 8;
#airbnb {
    marker-width: @width;
    marker-fill: #ff307a;
    marker-allow-overlap: true;
    [zoom >= 4] {
        marker-width: @width * 2;
    [zoom >= 8] {
        marker-width: @width * 3;
    [zoom >= 12] {
        marker-width: @width * 4;

it works with colors, too

@airbnbcolor: #ff307a;
#airbnb {
    marker-width: @width;
    marker-fill: @airbnbcolor;
    marker-line-color: @airbnbcolor;
    marker-line-opacity: 0.2;
    marker-allow-overlap: true;
@airbnbcolor: #ff307a;
#airbnb {
    marker-width: @width;
    marker-fill: fadeout(@airbnbcolor, 25%);
    marker-line-color: @airbnbcolor;
    marker-line-opacity: 0.2;
    marker-allow-overlap: true;

other color functions:

try it: use a variable for one of your properties

one last thing!

attributes as values

for example, easy relative sizes

  1. Combining conditions
  2. Variables
  3. Attributes as values

how the web works

how the web works

(a very short introduction)

What happens when you type google.com in your browser?

let's look at it with Chrome's Developer Tools:

Tools > Developer Tools

let's look at some other pages:

basic page

static map

a map in CartoDB

a map made with Leaflet


defines the structure of a page, loads other bits



adds style to parts of a page



makes web pages dynamic (eg AJAX)




your browser loads the HTML, which tells it which CSS and JavaScript files to get (if any)

but where is the browser getting the files from?

take a walk through a Google data center

inside a Google data center, via Wired

via m.ammoth, via the ny times
Google's official data center map
unofficial Google data center map (2008)

and how do the files get to you?


can give you an idea of the route data takes to get from you to the server (and vice versa)

using Google Earth as a traceroute viewer
Chris Harrison
The Guardian

2008: an "internet blackout [...] left 75 million people with only limited access, caused by a ship that tried to moor off the coast of Egypt in bad weather"

The Guardian

2008: an "internet blackout [...] left 75 million people with only limited access, caused by a ship that tried to moor off the coast of Egypt in bad weather"

The Guardian
Sharks Are Chomping Underwater Fiber-Optic Cables

how undersea cables are laid

High-Frequency Traders Find Microwaves Suit Their Need for Speed
"Market players world-wide spent about $1.5 billion in 2013 on technology to increase trading speeds"

getting data with devtools


so how does a web map work?

(a few of these slides are adapted from these excellent Maptime slides)

each tile is just an image on the internet



these tiles use OpenStreetMap data

+ CartoCSS