Welcome to Advanced GIS, Lecture 4

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Advanced GIS

Class 4

no class 2/26

3/5 guest speaker

readings in assignment

CartoCSS recap

#airbnb {
    marker-width: 3;
    [zoom >= 10][zoom < 16] {
        marker-width: 8;
#airbnb {
    marker-width: 3;
    [neighbourhood = 'Bedford-Stuyvesant'],
    [neighbourhood = 'Bushwick'] {
        marker-width: 8;
@width: 8;
#airbnb {
    marker-width: @width;
    marker-fill: #ff307a;
    marker-allow-overlap: true;
    [zoom >= 4] {
        marker-width: @width * 2;
    [zoom >= 8] {
        marker-width: @width * 3;
    [zoom >= 12] {
        marker-width: @width * 4;

Advanced GIS

Class 4

CartoDB follow up

adding features

adding columns

useful if you want to add data to your features

or, say, you have one thing in the table but want to display another

advanced legend and infowindow stuff

advanced legend and infowindow stuff

you need HTML and CSS. we'll get there.

but I wanted 6.5!



Structured Query Language


the language databases understand

you'll use SQL in two ways:

1. pulling data out of the database

2. changing the data in the database

Give me the pages that refer to properties in Brooklyn.

Give me the addresses of the properties in Brooklyn.

Give me the addresses of the properties in Brooklyn that have been built on since 1950.

databases are great at these types of questions

it's what they were made for

SQL helps you ask these questions in a way databases understand


SELECT: choose columns from a table

just list the columns. for example:

SELECT students, teachers
FROM education

SELECT *: choose all columns

WHERE: choose rows from a table

these conditions are the same as the ones in CartoCSS:


for example:

FROM education
WHERE students > 100

and you combine them with AND / OR

for example:

FROM education
WHERE students > 100 
    AND students < 200

try it yourself

get just the education with students between 100 and 150

or you can negate a condition with NOT

for example:

FROM education
WHERE NOT (students > 100 
  OR op_type = 'religious')

try it yourself

get just the education features with students not between 100 and 150

SELECT does not change the table, it only changes your view of the table

you can also use SELECT to get a better idea of what data is in your table

count matching rows:

FROM education
WHERE students > 100 
  OR op_type = 'religious'

but you'll almost never want to use this statement for your map

try it yourself

get the number of education features with students between 100 and 150

SELECT trick: add "columns" to your selection

FROM education
SELECT *, stdnt_fem / students
FROM education
    (stdnt_fem / students) * 100
FROM education
    (stdnt_fem / students) * 100
    AS stdnt_fem_per
FROM education

1. pulling data out of the database

2. changing the data in the database

you can also use SQL to quickly UPDATE or DELETE the data in your table

these will destroy data, so have a backup or test it with a table you don't need

this is one way to customize the way data is displayed in your infowindow

first, create a new column on your table

then put the desired data in that column, based on some condition

UPDATE education
SET size = 'large'
WHERE students > 2500
DELETE FROM education

more in the SQL reference

SQL shows up everywhere online

that's a lot, but there's a little more

    (stdnt_fem / students) * 100
    AS stdnt_fem_per
FROM education
SELECT *, ST_area(the_geom)
FROM kiberaboundary
  ST_area(ST_transform(the_geom_webmercator, 21036))
FROM kiberaboundary
SELECT education.*
FROM education, kiberaboundary
  kiberaboundary.name = 'Silanga' AND
  ST_within(education.the_geom, kiberaboundary.the_geom)

open data

open data

data that is:

open data

data that is:

open data

data that is:


collaborative data

what is OpenStreetMap (OSM)?

show me the way

"the free wiki map of the world"

started in 2004 in the UK

started in 2004 in the UK

first State of the Map conference in 2007

started in 2004 in the UK

first State of the Map conference in 2007

over 1 million registered users in 2013



Open Database License (ODbL)

what does the data look like?


nodes, ways, closed ways

are just shapes with no meaning until you give them attributes, as in any GIS

so you have to add attributes

less like a table, more like GeoJSON properties

a table wouldn't work because:

a table wouldn't work because:

a table wouldn't work because:


key-value pairs




name=Union Square West


we make them up as we go.


we make them up as we go. really.



a collaborative system of categorization

you can tag things any way you want

but if you want your data to be useful (and show up on maps!), you should try to be consistent with the community

look around for similar features, mimic those

check the wiki


check Taginfo


when you're looking for the way to tag something

let's look at some OSM data

let's look at some OSM data


how does the data get there?



via mapbox

aerial imagery

tasking manager



9 Years of OpenStreetMap GPS Tracks Available for Mapping

Field Papers

Field Papers

"a tool to help you create a multi-page atlas of anywhere in the world"


get data in OSM:

Demonstrators Smash Google Bus Piñata in San Francisco

how do you use the data?

metro extracts


garmin dumps


garmin dumps




you'll have to do some extra work to get the data in a useful format

overpass for GeoJSON

try it out

get data out of OSM:

map kibera

Groundtruth Initiative

1. trace the roads using aerial imagery

Map Kibera Blog

2. use GPS to collect point data and correct roads

Map Kibera Blog

"In the intense density of Kibera, selecting which features are 'important' is a judgment call and a matter of interest."

Map Kibera Blog

3. decide on and focus on themes




water and sanitation

Map Kibera Blog
Voice of Kibera
Kibera News Network

typhoon haiyan


Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)

HOT in coordination with:

1. pre-typhoon (November 7), get the base map up-to-speed

2. post-typhoon (November 13), use new aerial imagery to try to assess damage

using it on the ground

using it on the ground