Advanced GIS

Assignment 6: Mapbox Studio

Part 1: Custom base maps using Mapbox Studio

Create an account with Mapbox if you do not already have one.

Watch Bill Morris's Tutorial on the New Mapbox Studio. It's a webinar, so there is some funny chatter (feel free to skip the first five minutes) but it is on the whole an excellent introduction to Mapbox Studio. This was recorded in October 2014. Some things have changed, and the big one is that Mapbox's free accounts now let you upload Mapbox Studio styles!

Install Mapbox Studio.

Using Mapbox Studio, create a custom base map based on an existing style. Change some colors (through variables), edit some code, consider swapping textures with your own. Spend an hour or so making a map style that you like and getting familiar with the options Mapbox Studio gives you.

Publish the style online, add it to your CartoDB account, and publish a new visualization (or edit an old one) that incorporates your style.

Part 2: BagItNYC

We're having another guest speaker next week. The speaker would like you to do a few things in preparation, including taking a few pictures with Instagram. Please plan ahead and take part in this! Come prepared to chat with someone who was in your shoes last year.

Submitting your work

Submit a link to the visualization you created using your customized base layer.

You may optionally choose to include a short paragraph response or summary of your work.