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Introduction to GIS Software: QGIS


what is metadata?

what is a qualitative thematic map?

what are expressions good for in QGIS?

adding fields to attribute tables

use a specific name

decimal number: a number with digits after the decimal point

the total digits in the number

the digits after the decimal

in-class excercise, part 1

Quantitative thematic maps

Designed Maps
Designed Maps
Designed Maps
Designed Maps

Quantitative thematic maps

often: choropleth maps


choro: region

pleth: multitude


a map of numbers by region


in-class excercise, part 2

categorizing quantitative data can be rather arbitrary

there are no natural categories

so we create categories by splitting the quantitative data into "bins"


in-class excercise, part 3

the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem

the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem

the boundaries you create can influence the way your data looks without changing the data

the gerrymander
2012 presidential election, source
2012 presidential election, source
2012 presidential election, source
2012 presidential election, source

one way to deal with MAUP is to normalize your data

(almost) never map counts

(almost) always divide counts by some common factor

think "incidents per 100,000 people"

think "crashes per square mile"

think percentages of features in an area


normalize data with expressions in the field calculator

choropleth legends can be tricky

try to make them as readable as you can


in-class excercise, part 4

you can use expressions to change details for styles

QGIS calls these "data defined overrides"

in-class excercise, part 5

overviews in print composer