Advanced Interactive Web Mapping, Programming, and Design

Final Project

Due Sunday, May 15th at noon

Make a substantial web map that includes topics covered in the class. We've covered a number of web mapping techniques that you might consider incorporating, from CartoDB to external APIs to client-side GIS with Turf.

Your project will be judged according to the following criteria:

Submitting your work

This work is due Sunday, May 15th, at noon.

Final projects will be aggregated on this page in GitHub Pages, and the repository is at pratt-savi-800/spring2016.

Please submit your project using GitHub:

  1. Fork the repository into your account:
  2. Clone the repository in your account to your computer.
  3. Add your project:
    1. In _projects/, copy to your own file. Rename the file to reflect a title for your project, with hyphens instead of spaces.
    2. In img/, create a folder with the same name as you used for your file in the previous step (without the .md). Add any images you would like in your img/ folder.
    3. Back in the file you created, update the "front matter" at the top of the file. You'll want to change
      • title: your project title
      • linkname: the filename you're using
      • author: your name
      • tagline: a short description of your project
      • location: where the project is based (eg, a city, state, or country)
      • project-link: the URL of your project
      • tags: two or three words for categories your project falls into
      • thumbnail-path: the path to the image you would like to show up on the main page for your project
      • img-folder: your project's image folder
      • timestamp: the time you're adding this at
    4. Add a few paragraphs and images describing your project under the "front matter" that you edited above. If you like, you can embed your project using an iframe.
    5. Look at the projects files in methods3-fall2015 for examples of using images and other techniques.
  4. Commit the changes to your repository and push them to GitHub. Examine the changes to ensure that your project's page looks as you expect it to. Remember that you are still working on your own repository, so you will need to go to your own URL for it. For example, since my username is ebrelsford, my URL for the site would be
  5. Once you are happy with the way your project looks in your repository, make a pull request to the original repository to include it there: