Eric Brelsford
freelance programmer, mapmaker, teacher
Why map bike lanes?
Why map bike lanes?
- visibility and advocacy
- fun
Why map bike lanes?
- visibility and advocacy
- fun
- routing
Why map bike lanes?
- visibility and advocacy
- fun
- routing
- ...or someone asks you to!
How did we map bike lanes?
- Get the official data (and permission to use it in OpenStreetMap)
- Get the official data (and permission to use it in OpenStreetMap)
- Compare official data to existing OpenStreetMap data
- Get the official data (and permission to use it in OpenStreetMap)
- Compare official data to existing OpenStreetMap data
- Add the difference (official data not in OSM) to MapRoulette
you can create your own challenge in MapRoulette
just upload a GeoJSON file!
or use the API if that's not flexible enough
- Get the official data (and permission to use it in OpenStreetMap)
- Compare official data to existing OpenStreetMap data
- Add the difference (official data not in OSM) to MapRoulette
- Map!
good news:
you can map many bike lane attributes in OSM
bad news:
you can map many bike lane attributes in OSM
and bike lanes can get complicated
(think "share" + "arrow")
bike lanes
physically separated bike lanes
routers' guidelines for tagging bike lanes